Choosing the Right Motorization for You

Last time on the blog we discussed the differences between motorization and automation. It was a pretty simple distinction when we got down to it wasn’t it? This time we’re going to look at one of those a bit deeper at one of them and talk about how to choose the right motorization option for you. They’re all powerful, great solutions but they’re not a one size fits all solution. So how do you know which one to choose? Worry no longer! Budget Blinds Scottsdale has your back!

Whether you’re dealing a hard to reach window, an awkward shape, or just want a bit more 

convenience you have options! 

How It’s Powered

Rechargeable Battery

The first place to start picking out your preferred motorization method is to look at how its powered. There are a few options available. Perhaps the most popular is the rechargeable battery-powered motors we have available in all of our Smart Home Collection. With these there is no need for hiring an electrician to hardwire in anything which saves you plenty of time and money! The motor recharges with a charging cord that runs from a standard outlet plug, just plug the cord into the motor and let it charge and you’re good to go! These will need to be charged roughly twice a year so not too infrequently, but also not frequent enough to be inconvenient.

Battery Pack

This is simple enough and doesn’t need much explanation - some motors can be powered via batteries or battery packs. Depending on the make these can be more expensive and perhaps worst of all – inconvenient. Remember, motorizing means convenience so anything that gets in the way of that is a problem.


If you don’t want to recharge or change out batteries and are building or remodeling, you will need your window treatments hardwired. This will require an electrician to run the wiring prior to installation of the insulation and sheetrock. The major benefit of this is maintenance-free operation for years to come.

How It’s Controlled

After you have the product and the battery sorted, consider how you want to actually use the coverings. Do you want to have a remote? A wall switch? An app on your smartphone? Or do you want to live your best Tony Stark life and use voice commands? 

Handheld remotes are perhaps the most obvious, simple ways to control a single or group of shades with push of one button. Wall switches are the same ideas as a remote, just attached to a wall. This might be somewhat less convenient as compared to a remote but it does keep the control of the shades away from children who might overuse and damage the motors.

Apps are the way of the future! To control your window coverings with the touch of a finger on your smartphone you’ll need to install a hub or bridge into to your home to connect the shades to your Wi-Fi, allowing them to communicate with your smartphone or other smart device. With that taken care of you can then program functions or “scenes” that allow you to operate the shades in specific configurations, automatically! Want them to lower during the day to beat the heat? Make a scene for it! 

These hubs also will allow you to connect other smart home tools like Amazon Alexa or other voice assistants so you can control your shades hands-free! Perfect for when you’re in the kitchen and can’t grab your phone, remote, or touch a wall switch.

Hopefully that has helped lay out what you should look for when it comes to choosing the right motorization option for you! Still have questions? Your friendly neighborhood Budget Blinds is here to help! Give us a call today and get a free consultation to discover your perfect window solution!

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