7 Tips for Rug Cleaning in 2024

Rugs might not be in our name, but we do love a great accent rug! They really tie the whole room together but are subjected to serious wear and tear through use. Keeping them clean and well cared for will extend their life, keep your home looking fresh, and improve the air quality indoors! This time on the Budget Blinds of Scottsdale and Fountain Hills blog, here are seven pro tips for keeping your rugs clean!

7 Pro Tips for Rug Cleaning


Tip #1 - Regularly Vacuum

A no-brainer, right? Vacuuming your rugs regularly is the most effective way to remove dust, dirt, and other particles that accumulate over time. By removing dirt and debris, you can prevent the buildup of allergens and extend the life of your rug.


An easy-to-follow schedule should be like this:

  • High-traffic areas should be vacuumed daily.

  • Other rugs can be vacuumed once (or twice) a week.


Tip #2 - Use A High-Quality Vacuum 

Use a quality vacuum for all your rug cleaning jobs. It should have good suction and HEPA filters to trap particles like pollen, pet dander, and other allergens. You’re going to be vacuuming more in 2024 if you follow this guide, and a cheap or old vacuum will just mean you have to work that much harder.


Tip #3 - Address Spills And Stains Immediately

The longer a mess goes unaddressed, the harder it will be to correct it, so get to it right away to prevent it from settling. Blot the spill with a clean cloth. Don’t rub the stain. Rubbing the stain can cause it to spread across the fibers and deeper into them, creating a larger, more difficult stain.

Tip #4 - Use The Right Cleaning Products

Using the right cleaning products for your rug is crucial to maintaining its appearance and longevity. Avoid harsh chemicals or bleach, which can damage the fibers of the rug and cause discoloration. Always read the label and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using cleaning products.


Tip #5 - Test Cleaning Products On A Small Area


Speaking of cleaning products, before using cleaning products on your entire carpet, test them on a small, inconspicuous spot. This will help you decide if the cleaner is right for your rug and won’t cause any damage or discoloration. There is a reason the instructions always include it, follow it!


Tip #6 - Keep Shoes Off Your Rugs

Shoes track in dirt, mud, and who knows what else from outdoors, all of which will get stomped into the fibers of your rugs. Whenever possible, encourage guests to take off their shoes before walking across your rugs to prevent having more stains to clean and debris to vacuum up! An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and in this case, prevention means taking shoes off.

Tip #7 - Professional Rug Cleanings

Occasionally, you’ll need professional care – and there’s nothing wrong with that! Getting your rugs professionally cleaned will do a deep clean that vacuuming alone can’t handle. If you have the heavy-duty rug cleaner, you can probably handle this yourself (again following the manufacturer’s instructions!), but if not, there’s no harm in calling a professional. Get them done regularly or quickly after particularly bad stains, like, say, a bunch of muddy shoe prints after a storm. This will help prevent those stains from sticking around any longer than they have to.


Rug (and carpet!) cleaning is a huge part of keeping a living space clean and healthy. Follow these seven steps, and your rugs will look newer for longer, and your air quality will drastically improve – especially here in Arizona, where dust finds its way in wherever it can! Enjoy beautiful, clean rugs in 2024 – and if you don’t have the right rug yet for your home, look no further! Our selection of custom rugs makes it fun and easy to augment your existing décor.


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