We Care About You and Our Community
We Support Children's Hospital
Our family was personally impacted by Children’s Hospital and the incredible work their team of doctors did for our son. As a locally and family-owned business, we want to help support other families in need.
We donated a portion of each sale to Children’s Hospital.
Zeke’s Story
Two years ago, our son Zeke was battling a cold. We took him to the doctor who prescribed medication. Zeke did not improve but continued to weaken until he could barely stand and walk. His lips, eyes and skin had turned yellow and we rushed him to the Emergency of our local hospital. The staff immediately attended and proceeded to give him a blood transfusion, which was not successful. They then transferred us by ambulance to B.C. Children’s Hospital where a team of doctors did all they could at accessing what was wrong with Zeke. After a week at Children’s, which included many tests and more blood transfusions, doctors were able to come to a diagnosis. Zeke had PCH (Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria): a rare blood disorder in which the body’s immune system produces antibodies that destroy the red blood cells. Within that week, Zeke’s red blood cells were restored and he began regaining his strength and health. Without the help of B.C. Children’s and their team of dedicated doctors, Zeke would not be the same today. His story and the affect this experience had on our family, is the reason we hold B.C. Children’s and their medical team, so near and dear in our hearts. Zeke’s story is the reason we wish to give back by donating to the B.C. Children’s Hospital Foundation. We know firsthand, how much this foundation does to help sick kids and their families. Please consider partnering with us to give and make a difference in the lives of other sick kids and their families.
Clay and Lacey Tierney - Owners, Budget Blinds