What is “ANSI/WCMA A100 1-2022” Window Covering Safety Standard?

ANSI/WCMA A100 1-2022 is a U.S. government safety standard for window coverings that eliminates free-hanging cords, notably tilt cords and cord-lock operating cords, and updates tension device requirements agreed upon by the Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA) and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). This safety standard was implemented to help improve the safety of window covering products, particularly for young children. The compliance date of this safety standard for all companies manufacturing, distributing, or selling window covering products in the U.S. is June 1, 2024, which means any non-compliant window covering manufactured for either residential or commercial use on or after that date cannot be sold in the United States. The CPSC officially enforces the new regulations and can impose fines and recalls on companies that are non-compliant.

This safety standard does the following:

  • Eliminates free hanging cords, such as cord lock operating systems and tilt cords
  • Eliminates continuous loop systems for horizontal (slatted) products
  • Requires the following tension device requirements for continuous loop operating systems on non-horizontal products:
    • Tension devices must be permanently installed at the factory
    • Tension devices must be attached to chain and headrail or clutch by the manufacturer
    • Tension device must be properly installed, otherwise the window covering will be inoperable
    • Tension device must maintain constant tension on the cord loop, otherwise the window covering will be inoperable
    • Must be designed for durability and pass cycle testing, UV stability testing and impact testing
    • Must be supplied with fasteners for wood substrates and instructions
  • Requires that retractable cord lift systems contain a permanently attached cord retraction device with:
    • Full retraction even with up to 30 grams of mass applied to the operating interface
    • Maximum stroke length of 36”
    • Operating interface must be a ring and pole, wand or another rigid design
    • Testing requirements for service life and UV exposure
  • Updates warning label requirements for products with continuous loop and retractable cord operating systems
  • Adds remote control battery accessibility to align with ANSI/UL 4200A (“Reese’s Law”)
  • Limits the amount of lead used in exterior components located 12 inches or more below
    the headrail to 0.01% lead by weight
  • Ensures that any safety component or device intended to separate from the product meets the small parts requirements of Federal Standard: 16 CFR Part 1501



Are any of Budget Blinds’ product categories going away as a result of this new safety standard?

None of the product categories offered by Budget Blinds are going away because we currently have (and have for many years) compliant operating and lift system options for every product category we offer spanning all styles of blinds, shades, shutters, and drapes.

If my home or business has non-compliant corded products installed, am I required to replace them?

Homeowners and business owners are not required to replace existing non-compliant products in their home or business. However, these dangerous corded products do pose a real strangulation threat – especially to young children and pets. This hazard presents an unnecessary risk and liability in any home or business given the availability of compliant cordless and motorized window covering solutions. A Budget Blinds expert can guide you to an ideal window covering solution for your home or business that will improve functionality and comfort in your space, elevate your décor, and prioritize safety. Start by requesting a free consultation.

Does this new safety standard affect motorized window treatments?

Motorized window treatment solutions are not impacted by the new safety standard because they use motors in the headrail to operate the window treatment rather than the dangerous dangling operating cords that the new safety standard removes from the marketplace as of June 1st, 2024. In fact, we highly recommend motorized window treatments if you’re considering replacing old corded products because not only are they child-safe, but they have many additional benefits that even cordless products don’t have such as the ability to operate shades that are out of reach, difficult to access, or too heavy to lift manually. Plus, motorization can add many conveniences to controlling light and temperature in your home by enabling you to open and close shades using a remote control, your phone, with voice commands and even setting schedules for them to move automatically throughout the day and night.

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