When Solo Curtain Panels in Santa Ana Work for Your Home
When you need to get new window coverings, you may initially turn to curtains. Don’t jump straight to buying two curtain panels in Santa Ana. Getting singular panels could be perfect for your needs.
Think you’re going to look a little lopsided? The asymmetrical look is in, and here’s why you want to take advantage of that.
You’ll Spend Less Money on Window Coverings
The main benefit is cost. When you get singular curtain panels in Santa Ana, you end up spending less money. You need less fabric, so you get to benefit when it comes to the budget for your needs. This is a great way to have money to spend elsewhere in the home. You could even upgrade on the type of fabric you get because you’re spending less per window.
A lot of curtains now come as singular panels. You’ll need to buy two per window if you decide to double up. Those that do come as double panels can be split across different windows in the home to help you save money.
You Have Small Windows
Look at the size of your windows. If they’re on the smaller side, why are you getting double curtain panels in Santa Ana? Singular panels are the way to go. They are great because they take up just the right amount of space.
You’ll likely find that one panel will stretch across the entire window. It covers everything you need, so getting two panels will end up being a waste of material (and therefore, a waste of money). If one panel doesn’t quite fit, then you’re going to need two. It’s worth measuring the panels and the windows before you go out to buy anything.
In a lot of cases, you’re going to put the panels on the inside of the window frames. You’ll benefit from a tension rod to also keep the costs down.
There Isn’t the Extra Weight on the Rod
As mentioned, you’ll likely have a tension rod for your curtain panels in Santa Ana. You can mount on the inside and cause very little damage to the window frames. This does come with a downside, though. Doubling up on the curtain panels causes extra weight on the rod, meaning that it could fall down more frequently.
You’ll want to get a single panel on the rod. This offers less weight, even when it’s just sitting stationary in the window. You won’t find yourself constantly putting the rod back up in place.
If you do want or need double panels, you’ll want to consider the weights. Make sure the rod is secure, or look for rods that you screw into the wall.
There’s not always the need for two curtain panels in the home. Singular curtain panels in Santa Ana will help you keep the costs down, and will still cover the whole window when you need it. Of course, it will come down to the size of the window, so measure the width and see if you can cut down on the material in your home.