What Does “Best for Kids” Mean When It Comes to Norman Window Fashions in Tustin?

When you look at the different brands for window coverings, there will be something that stands out when it comes to Norman window fashions in Tustin. They have a sign that says they’re “Best for Kids.”

Before you just trust the wording, you need to understand what these types of labels mean. Why do Norman window treatments come with this sort of sign? Is it true?

Not All Window Coverings Are Made for Children

Let’s just start with one of the big problems with window coverings. Not all of them are created for children in mind. Even Norman window fashions in Tustin were guilty of this in the past.

It’s simply because people didn’t realize the dangers of things like cords. At least, not the big dangers. They also didn’t think there was much of a way around it and encouraged parents to find a way to keep children safe instead.

Manufacturers have eventually stepped up. They offer more window coverings that don’t include hazards for children. The biggest issue is cords, which you’ll find that Norman window fashions don’t include.

“Best for Kids” Certification for Norman Window Fashions in Tustin

You can now get a certification that states you are safe for children. A lot of shades and blind manufacturers are looking into going through this.

The certification program was introduced in May 2015 after there were too many accidents involving children and cords on window coverings. The idea is to make products that are fully safe for children and follow all the program rules stand out from everything else.

A company can’t just put the label on their products. They need to submit their window coverings to a qualified independent third-party testing lab. The coverings will then need to pass three stages to prove that they are the best options for children.

This is costly for a brand. It’s not surprising that not all brands will opt to do it. However, it’s important to note that Norman opts for this to make sure you know the brand is safe.

Look Out for the Shades and Blinds with the Label

Not all blinds and shades from Norman have been through the testing. Some types simply won’t pass. However, there is a wide range of Norman window fashions in Tustin that have been through the vigorous process.

Those shades and blinds are within the cordless section. You’ll easily find them, and you can spot all those that have been through the program clearly labeled. The label is only going to be on the blinds that have been through it to avoid confusion.

These window fashions are safe for the whole family. They don’t have dangling cords. They won’t have anything that children and even pets can get tangled in. Some of them may even be motorized. They’re not all going to cost much extra than the regular options. After all, there’s more demand for cordless options so supply is going up to help keep the costs down.

When you’re shopping for window coverings, look out for the “Best for Kids” symbol. You’ll find it on many Norman window fashions in Tustin.

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