How to Fix Vertical Blinds and More - Everything You’ve Ever Wondered
Vertical blinds are a tried and true window covering solution seen throughout the Valley. If you have ever had them and a rambunctious pet or child, you also know that vertical blinds can far too often end up, well, horizontal. This time on the Budget Blinds of Tempe & Central Phoenix blog we are going to answer a few of the most commonly asked questions including how to fix vertical blinds, how to clean them and more!
How to Fix Vertical Blinds
How to fix vertical blinds is a big one, and it really depends on how they came apart. Did the blind just fall from the slot and carrier stem? Are they not closing just right? Here are the common fixes for the most common problems.
Blinds won’t turn
Are the blinds not closing all the way? Take a close look at each blind individually. It’s possible that one of them just got flipped backward.
Fix torn blinds
Did a blind get ripped from the stem? If this happens often enough, you can end up with a blind that refuses to sit in the carrier stem. You can buy a blind repair kit at most home furnishing stores, taping over the blind holes and giving the blind some of the structure back. It’s not a permanent solution but it should work for you until get a new blind.
Broken carrier stem
If your blind looks like it’s in fine shape but it won’t stay up, it’s possible you have a broken carrier stehm. If this is cracked or damaged it will have a hard time keeping the blinds up. Remove and replace it, it should be an easy enough fix with a new stem and some pliers.
How to Clean Vertical Blinds
There are two parts to cleaning blinds, traditional dusting and cleaning. To dust take a duster and work from top to bottom to ensure you don’t miss or transfer dust. Using a cloth or feather duster is a bad idea here, those spread dust around but don’t actually pick up and remove the dust. You can also use a vacuum with a brush attachment to vacuum up the dust. It’s the same process, working from top down on each blind.
If you need to spot clean the blinds, fill a bowl with warm water and a few drops of dish soap. Get it sudsy then use a sponge or microfiber cloth and wipe the blinds from, you guessed it, top to bottom! Be careful with how hard you scrub, you could damage the blinds.
How to Hang Curtains Over Vertical Blinds
There are a few ways to install curtains over vertical blinds. You can install brackets onto the rail that hold up the blinds or drill the brackets right into the wall above the blinds. If you want your curtains to extend past the width of your window make sure you measure an equal distance from each side, for curtain rods add an extra few inches on either side. You can also hire professionals like Budget Blinds to help you make the right match!
Where to Buy Vertical Blinds
Budget Blinds of course! We have an incredible selection of vertical blinds, whether you’re looking for a modern look with clean lines, or simply want to coordinate with horizontal blinds for that perfect match, we have options! A selection of innovative products, vane styles, and an impressive choice of vinyl patterns, from basic curved to deeply embossed styles, allows complete customization for your vertical blinds.
With that we’ll go ahead and bid goodbye to year of Living Coral, 2019! It’s been a heckuva decade but we are incredibly excited to see what 2020 has in store for us. Want to start 2020 off right with a brand new look? Schedule your FREE in-home consultation today and Ken will speak with you in no time to help you figure out your vertical blinds situations, get your curtains or drapes installed, or any other window covering solution you may need! We are your neighborhood window folks with a style and service for every budget.