Are Curtains or Blinds the Best Window Coverings in Montecito?
The time has come to buy new window coverings in Montecito. You want something that is going to work as an investment into your home, so you want something that does it all. You need privacy, heating benefits, cooling benefits, lighting control, and so much more.
As you search through your options, two will stand out. You could get a set of curtains or drapes, or you could choose blinds instead. Which of the two will be better for you?
Blinds Tend to Be Cheaper and Slightly Longer Lasting
Depending on the material you get, you could find blinds are the better investment for window coverings in Montecito. They end up lasting longer, with some lasting decades. However, you can help any type of window covering last for the years to come. It all depends on maintenance, the material, the quality, and more.
One of the great things about blinds, though, si that they tend to be the cheapest options. The blinds are made to fit the window, so you only get as much material as you need. When you get curtains or drapes, you need more material than the size of the window. When you use more material, you end up spending more money. It is that simple.
Curtains Can Block More Noise
Something that you may not initially consider when it comes to window coverings in Montecito is the noise benefits. We focus so much on privacy and lighting. Heating and cooling benefits are also important, but what about the levels of noise coming into your home?
Nothing is going to be soundproof. However, there are some materials that are better than others. Curtains and drapes tend to have the better materials for noise reduction.
You’ll get fabric materials. In some case, the material is thick. This fabric will absorb the noise that comes into the home. You’ll reduce the levels of car noise outside while you’re trying to sleep. Blinds can help, but nothing on the level as curtains and drapes.
Blinds Can Be Better for Heat Reduction
You will want to think about the levels of heat in the home in the summer. Blinds tend to be the better option. You won’t need to shut the blinds up as much, blocking all the light coming in. These window coverings in Montecito will be able to reduce the UV rays hitting the home, keeping the temperatures down.
However, they do tend to leak a little more heat in the winter compared to drapes and curtains. If you want something for the winter months, you need the larger fabric material. You can always double up during the colder months, then the blinds are there for the summer.
There are many types of window coverings in Montecito. Each of them is great investments for the home, but you need to know the types of benefits you want to gain. Once you know what you need, you can then compare blinds and curtains to find the best options for your needs.