Leaders in Child-Safe Window Treatments

Budget Blinds is at the forefront of new window covering industry regulations ensuring child and pet safety.

Cords and Kids Don’t Mix!

Dangling cords on window coverings pose an enormous hazard to kids and pets in the home – especially small children between 1 and 3 years old. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission calls corded window coverings one of the top hidden hazards in the home. The danger of dangling cords extends to business environments as well, posing a real risk. Did you know that it takes as little as 9 inches of cord to strangle a small child and only 15 seconds until unconsciousness?


The New Industry Safety Standard

To address the threat of dangling cords in homes and businesses, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Window Covering Manufacturers Association have mandated that effective June 1st, 2024, all window covering products sold in the U.S. must be cordless or have inaccessible cords or approved tensioning devices.

What Should You Do?

Keep children, pets and guests safe by removing window coverings with long accessible cords that can get wrapped around a neck. Replace dangerous corded products with new cordless or motorized window coverings, starting first in children's rooms, play areas and gathering spaces.

Budget Blinds Leads The Way

Budget Blinds has long been at the forefront of ensuring window coverings meet and exceed safety standards and continues to do so. That’s why we offer the largest selection of compliant products with both cordless and motorized lift systems, plus our design consultants will help you pick the right solution that’s safe and stylish!

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