You Can Still Use Wooden Blinds in Orange in the Bathroom If You Get the Right Style
Finding the right type of window coverings for the bathroom can be tricky. You need to find something that is going to balance the need for privacy with the humidity levels in the room. It can often mean that wooden blinds in Orange are quickly vetoed, despite loving the look of them.
You can still use wooden blinds. You just need the right type, and you need to look after them. Here’s everything to consider to get the right wooden blinds for your home.
Opt for the Right Type of Wood
There are different types of materials for wooden blinds in Orange, and we’re not talking faux wood. There are different types of real wood, and each type will be affected by the humidity levels in the bathroom slightly differently.
You want to look at woods that are as resistant to moisture as possible. Cedar and basswood are excellent options. They won’t swell as much, and you won’t need to deal with warping as early as you would with the likes of oak or cherry.
Make Sure They Have the Right Finishing and Treatments
Even with cedar and basswood, you’ll still need to maintain your wooden blinds in Orange well. The first stage is looking at the finish of the blinds before you buy them. Look out for those that have an acrylic or polyurethane finish to them, which will help to protect them from moisture while allowing the natural grain of the wood to shine through.
There are other moisture-resistant treatments that you can look into, as well. Avoid anything oil-based as these will lead to more moisture issues in the long term.
Be Prepared for Regular Maintenance
Looking after your wooden blinds is essential in the bathroom. The moisture levels fluctuate throughout the use, and you’ll need to make sure you clean the blinds frequently so there is nothing for the moisture to cling to. You don’t need to do a lot. Just a duster or dry cloth to wipe them down will do.
Avoid harsh chemicals. The only type of treatment you’ll want to use is something that helps to prevent warping and swelling. Use the same type of treatment the wooden blinds in Orange come with every few years to make sure the protective layer is always there.
Choose the Large Slats for Your Blinds
Your blinds will come in a variety of slat sizes. While a lot of people generally choose smaller slats for the privacy levels, in the bathroom, you’ll want to consider larger options. You can still get the level of privacy you need in the room, but you’ll actually manage the humidity levels a lot better than you would with small slats.
The larger slats mean larger gaps between them. This helps to offer better ventilation. When your windows are open, there is more space for the humid air to move out of the house. You’ll also be able to get the drier air from outside into the space easier. On top of that, the blinds are easier to clean.
You can still opt for wooden blinds in Orange for the bathroom. The trick is to get the right type of blinds for the space.